Alex Somers
Followers: 16805
Popularity: 38
Related artists:
- Julianna Barwick
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- múm
- Rökkurró
- A Winged Victory for the Sullen
- Hammock
- Slow Meadow
- Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson
- Eluvium
- amiina
- Valgeir Sigurðsson
- Frakkur
- Jónsi
- Jónsi & Alex
- Kjartan Sveinsson
- Paul Corley
- Dark Morph
- Kjartan Holm
- trayer tryon
- Liminal
- John Somers
Is related artist of :
- Jónsi
- Jónsi & Alex
- amiina
- Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson
- Kjartan Sveinsson
- Kira Kira
- Frakkur
- Paul Corley
- Dark Morph
- Kjartan Holm
- trayer tryon
- Liminal
- John Somers
- Nico Muhly
Lost and Found
Riceboy Sleeps (2019 Remaster)
All Animals
Black Mirror: Hang the DJ (Music from the Original TV Series)
When You Wish Upon A Death Star
Causeway (Soundtrack from the Apple Original Film)
Fresh (Original Soundtrack)
Siblings 2
Audrey (Original Film Soundtrack)
Here We Are (Apple TV+ Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Honey Boy (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Captain Fantastic (Music from the Film)
- cul de sac
- Mars (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Light Past Blue
- Rounds (Alex Somers Rework)
- Enghave Lys (Reimagined by Alex Somers)
- Sooner
- Alex Somers: Captain Fantastic Podcast
- Rounds (Alex Somers Remix)
- Enghave Lys (Reimagined by Alex Somers)