Johann Nepomuk Hummel
Followers: 19258
Popularity: 38
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
- Emmanuel Pahud
- Barry Tuckwell
- Johann Christian Bach
- Carl Stamitz
- Alfred Prinz
- Matthias Bamert
- Ingrid Haebler
- Hansjörg Angerer
- Antonio Salieri
Récital: Couperin, Scarlatti, Krebs, Mozart, Hummel, Beethoven...
Hummel: Piano Concertos
Hummel: Potpourri, Adagio and Rondo alla Polacca, Variations & Violin Concerto in G Major
Hummel: Der Durchzug durchs rote Meer, S33
Aurélio Rebello (Versão Piano)
Hummel: Missa Solemnis / Te Deum
Classical Trumpet Concertos
Hummel: Sonatas & Variations