Nancy Argenta
Followers: 1300
Popularity: 33
Related artists:
- Jean-Baptiste Lully
- John Eliot Gardiner
- William Christie
- Christopher Hogwood
- CBC Vancouver Orchestra
- George Frideric Handel
- Henry Purcell
- Arcangelo Corelli
- Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
- Emma Kirkby
- RIAS Kammerchor
- Howard Crook
- Ann Monoyios
- Il Fondamento
- Kym Amps
- Leslie Pearson
- Marianne Beate Kielland
- Paul Goodwin
- Giles Tomkins
- Maite Arruabarrena
Is related artist of :
- John Eliot Gardiner
- Giles Tomkins
- William Christie
- Christopher Hogwood
- The Monteverdi Choir
- Leslie Pearson
- Susan Gritton
- Paul Goodwin
- Karl Richter
- Barbara Schlick
- Marianne Beate Kielland
- Keith Lewis
- Il Fondamento
Handel: Apollo e Daphne & Crudel tiranno Amor
Handel: Apollo E Dafne / Crudel Tiranno Amor
Handel: Solomon
Haydn: The Complete Mass Edition
Bach, J.S.: Magnificat/Cantata No.51 "Jauchzet Gott"