Maurice André
Followers: 15904
Popularity: 37
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- J.S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos
- Handel: Messiah - Arias & Choruses
- Baroque Concertos
- Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals & Septet, Op. 65
- Händel: Concertos
- Noël !
- Noël !
- Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 - Haydn, Telemann & Torelli: Trumpet Concertos
- Classical Trumpet Concertos
- Purcell, Albinoni, Telemann, Handel, Tartini & Vivaldi
- Maurice André: Le trompettiste du siècle
- Les Moulins de mon Coeur (The Windmills of your Mind)