Nelson Freire
Followers: 25214
Popularity: 46
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Lise de la Salle
- Chamber Orchestra of the Bavarian Radio
- Benjamin Grosvenor
- Javier Perianes
- Jean-Guihen Queyras
- Vladimir Feltsman
- Pierre Fournier
Nelson Freire Plays Chopin
Chopin: Piano Concerto No.2; Ballade No.4; Berceuse; Polonaise Héroïque
Chopin: The Nocturnes
Debussy: Préludes Book 1; Children's Corner
Nelson Freire: Brahms
Brahms: The Piano Concertos (Bonus Track Version)
Nelson Freire: Schumann Recital
Schumann: Carnaval / Schubert: Impromptus - Freire
Saint-Saens: Le Carnaval des Animaux; Organ Symphony
Saint-Saëns: The Carnival of the Animals / Meschwitz: Tier-Gebete / Ridout: Little Sad Sound
Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No.3; Suite No.2 for 2 Pianos
Liszt: Harmonies du Soir
Liszt: Piano Concertos & Hungarian Rhapsodies