American Composers Orchestra
Followers: 437
Popularity: 21
Related artists:
- György Ligeti
- John Adams
- Henryk Górecki
- Jon Gibson
- Tatiana Grindenko
- Edo de Waart
- Dennis Russell Davies
- Staatsorchester Stuttgart
- The Smith Quartet
- Philip Glass Ensemble
- Michael Riesman
- Stephen Drury
- Gerhard Samuel
- Douglas Perry
- Jerry Grossman
- Dora Ohrenstein
- Ursula Schoch
- Irina Kataeva
- Paul Dunkel
- Claudia Cummings
Is related artist of :
Philip Glass: Heroes Symphony
Keith Jarrett - 20th Century Piano Concertos
"Mysterious Mountain", Lousadzak, Symphony No. 2 "Elegiac"
Cage / Wuorinen
Cage: The Seasons
Music of Elliott Carter
Milton Babbitt: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra/The Head of the Bed