Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI di Torino
Followers: 114
Popularity: 18
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Is related artist of :
Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 7 (Live)
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E-Flat Major, Op. 55 "Eroica" & Leonore Overture No. 3, Op. 72b
Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 (Live)
Schubert: Rosamunde, Fürstin von Zypern, D. 797 (Live)
The Great Conductors: Carlo Maria Giulini
Verdi: Don Carlos (Recorded 1961)
Verdi: I Lombardi alla prima crociata (Recorded 1957)
Verdi: Aroldo (Live)
Berlioz, Stravinsky, Strauss & Sibelius: Orchestral Works (Live)
Schubert: Symphonies Nos. 8 & 9 - Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition - Franck: Symphony in D Minor (Live)
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 "Choral" (Live)
Grandi maestri dell'interpretazione: Bruno Maderna & Sergiu Celibidache (Live)
Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 7 (Live)
Beethoven & Wagner: Orchestral Works (Live)
Rossini: Le Comte Ory [Recorded 1959]
Donizetti: La favorita
Donizetti: Don Pasquale
Donzietti: Caterina Cornaro
Karajan Spectacular, Vol. 12 (Remastered 2023) [Live]