Hungarian State Orchestra
Followers: 2442
Popularity: 32
Related artists:
- Budapest Symphony Orchestra
- Sofia National Opera Orchestra
- Budapest Festival Orchestra
- Budapest Strings
- Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra
- Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra
- English Northern Philharmonia
- Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra
- Hungarian National Philharmonic
- Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Berlin Chamber Orchestra
- Prague Festival Orchestra
- Sofia Symphony Orchestra
- Werner Tripp
- Janos Ferencsik
- Miklos Szenthelyi
- Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra
- Sandor Sòlyom-Nagy
- Vilmos Fischer
- Lorand Kovacs
Is related artist of :
- National Orchestral Institute Philharmonic
- Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra
- Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra
- Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra
- Sofia Symphony Orchestra
- Tchaikovsky: Italian Capriccio - Serenade for Strings - Romeo and Juliet
- Liszt: Les Préludes - Tasso - Orpheus
- Liszt: Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major - Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Tunes - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 8
- A-dúr zongoraverseny - Dante szonáta - Sposalizio
- Liszt Ferenc: Les Préludes - Spanyol rapszódia
- Esztergomi mise
- Mendelssohn: Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4
- Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3, "Scottish" / The Hebrides, Op. 26
- Handel / Haydn: Organ Concertos
- Donizetti: Don Pasquale (excerpts)
- Emil Gilels Edition Vol.2
- Haydn: Symphonies in G Major, Nos. 27, 88, 100, "Military"
- Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 94 & 104
- Haydn: Symphonies "Oxford" & "The Clock"
- Haydn: Ritorno Di Tobia (Il) (The Return of Tobias)
- Haydn: 7 Last Words of Our Saviour On the Cross (The)
- Strauss R.: 4 Last Songs
- Sass, Sylvia: Soprano Arias From Verdi and Donizetti
- Liszt: Szekszard Mass / Prometheus