David Hill
Followers: 1581
Popularity: 37
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
J.S. Bach: Six Trio Sonatas Arranged for Two Harpsichords
Handel: Four Coronation Anthems; Anthem for the Foundling Hospital
Messiah, HWV 56 (Arr. for Wind Ensemble by Stian Aareskjold)
Handel, G.F.: Great Choruses (The People Shall Hear!)
Blackford: Mirror of Perfection & Vision of a Garden
Hadley & Sainton: Choral and Orchestral Works
Sainton: The Island - Hadley: The Trees so High
Verdi: Requiem - Richard Blackford's Orchestration for Two Pianos, Organ and Percussion
Fauré: Requiem Op. 48; Messe Basse; Motets; Cantique de Jean Racine
Vierne: Symphony No. 2 & Les Angélus (Organ of Westminster Cathedral)
Thomas Weelkes: Anthems (English Orpheus 10)
Fauré Requiem etc.
Mozart: Requiem
Bairstow: Choral Music
Joseph Jongen & Flor Peeters: Music for Choir, Organ & Brass
Christmas at St John's College Cambridge
Mendelssohn: Sacred Choral Music
British Church Composers, Vol. 8: Richard Lloyd
Stanford: Choral Music
Stanford: Sacred Choral Music
Jerusalem: Parry, Stanford & Elgar