London Sinfonietta
Followers: 7993
Popularity: 50
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Charles Dutoit
- Jeneba Kanneh-Mason
- Accademia I Filarmonici
- Kent Nagano
- Vladimir Feltsman
- David Bell
- Jean-Yves Thibaudet
- Saint-Saëns: Le Carnaval des Animaux; Phaéton; Danse Macabre etc.
- Birtwistle: The Triumph of Time, Ritual Fragment & Gawain's Journey
- The Jazz Album
- Falla: El Retablo de Maese Pedro; Harpsichord Concerto; Psyche
- Piano Concertos by Mozart, Bach & Haydn
- The Belly of an Architect
- Larry Goves: Just Stuff People Do
- Chamber Symphony / Grand Pianola Music
- Copland: Grohg; Prelude for Chamber Orchestra; Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
- Gudmundsen-Holmgreen: Mixed Company
- Hindemith, A. Merikanto, Lindberg, Zimmermann
- Torke: Music On The Floor; 4 Proverbs; Monday & Tuesday
- Goehr: Marching to Carcassonne
- Harrison Birtwistle: Melencolia I, Ritual Fragment & Meridian
- Alexander Goehr: Behold the Sun, Op. 44a, Metamorphosis/Dance, Op. 36, Romanza, Op. 24 & Other Works
- Knussen: Where the Wild Things Are (A Fantasy Opera) - Maurice Sendak
- Lieberson: Raising The Gaze
- Knussen: Higglety, Pigglety, Pop! & Where the Wild Things are
- Takemitsu: Quotation Of Dream; Two Signals From Heaven; How Slow The Wind; Twill By Twilight; Archipelago S; Dream/Window
- Henze: Undine
- Knussen Conducts Knussen
- Stravinsky: The Flood; Abraham and Isaac; Variations; Requiem Canticles / Wuorinen: A Reliquary for Igor Stravinsky
- Matthews: Fourth Sonata For Orchestra ; Suns Dance For 10 Players; Broken Symmetry For Orchestra