London Mozart Players
Followers: 6213
Popularity: 51
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Handel: The Water Music
- Mozart: Requiem in D Minor, K. 626 "Missa pro Defunctis"
- Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
- Vivaldi: Four Bassoon Concertos, La Tempesta di Mare & Il Piacere
- An Introduction to Felix Mendelssohn
- Mendelssohn: Piano Concertos
- Hummel: Potpourri, Adagio and Rondo alla Polacca, Variations & Violin Concerto in G Major
- Offenbach: Christopher Columbus
- James Galway Plays Lowell Liebermann
- Wranitzky: Symphonies
- Mozart: Requiem; Maurerische Trauermusik
- Vivaldi: Four Bassoon Concertos, La Tempesta di Mare & Il Piacere