String Player Gamer
Followers: 21800
Popularity: 35
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
Field of Hopes and Strings
Mega Man Orchestra: Volume 1
Bards and Bows
Attack of the Fiddler Queen
Acoustica: The Legend of Zelda
A History of Mario Music
Strings of Fate
Home: Music for Global Game Jam
Pluckhead (A Cuphead String Album)
Legend of Zelda Ultimate Medley
Undertale: Strings of Determination (Complete Edition)
Undertale: Strings of Determination, Vol. 4
Strings of Determination, Vol. 3 (From "Undertale")
Undertale: Strings of Determination, Vol. 2
VGM Singles (2015 Edition)
Undertale: Strings of Determination Vol. 1
Castlevania Orchestral Medley
Nintendo: Voices & Strings Vol. 1
VGM Medleys Vol.2 - Epic RPG Medley
Mario 3 Orchestra
VGM Medleys Vol.1 - Ultimate Nintendo Medley
- Theme of Love (Final Fantasy IV) for Violin & Guitar
- Final Fantasy VII Battle Theme
- Down by the River (From "Baldur's Gate 3") [Violin Version]
- Ballad of the Golden Pearl
- Unexpectancy (From "Pizza Tower") [Symphonic Metal]
- The Slopes of the Blessure (From "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine")
- The Fields of Ard Skellig (From "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt") [Dungeon Synth]
- Dire, Dire Docks (Violin Instrumental)
- It's Pizza Time! (From "Pizza Tower") [Violin Version]
- Aloy's Theme (From "Horizon Zero Dawn") [Violin Instrumental]
- Hornet (From "Hollow Knight") [Metal Violin]
- Pokemon Gym Theme (Violin Instrumental)
- Pokemon Main Theme (Violin Instrumental)
- Pollyanna (I Believe in You) [Violin Instrumental]
- K.K. Cruisin (Violin Version)
- Fi's Theme (From "Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword") [Violin Instrumental]
- Final Duet (From "Omori") [Violin Instrumental]
- Steel for Humans (from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
- Ave Mario
- Merchants of Novigrad (from "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt")
- Priscilla's Song (The Wolven Storm) [from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt]
- Big Shot
- Friday Night Fiddlin'
- Attack of the Killer Queen
- Lost Woods (From "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time")
- Main Title Theme (From "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker")
- Dark World (From "Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past")
- Steam Gardens (From "Super Mario Odyssey")
- il vento d'oro (Golden Wind) [From "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure"]
- MEGALOVANIA (Lofi Violin)
- Main Theme (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- JoJo ~Sono Chi No Sadame~ (Instrumental)
- Welcome Horizons (From "Animal Crossing: New Horizons")
- Green Hill Zone (From "Sonic the Hedgehog")
- Toss A Coin To Your Witcher (Instrumental)
- Crab Rave (Violin Version)
- Wind Waker Trio
- Lifelight (From "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate")
- We Are Number One
- Kass' Theme
- Traverse Town (From "Kingdom Hearts")
- Super Mario Bros. 2 Symphonic Suite
- Rotten Flowers
- Ragnarok Online Main Theme
- Adventures Down Below
- Veiled in Black (From "Final Fantasy XV")
- Jump Up, Super Star! (From "Super Mario Oddysey")
- Pokémon Theme Song (Rock Violin)
- Branch of Fate (Fire Emblem Fates Parody of "Part of Your World")
- The Hero (From "One Punch Man") [Violin & Vocal Cover]
- Star Wars Medley
- Plants vs. Zombies Acapella (Grasswalk Theme)
- Metal Man Theme Orchestra (from "Mega Man 2")
- Crossing Those Hills (from "Final Fantasy IX")
- Scrap Brain Zone (from "Sonic the Hedgehog")
- In the Halls of the Usurper (from Shovel Knight) for Orchestra
- The Force Theme (from "Star Wars IV: A New Hope")
- Green Hill Zone (from "Sonic the Hedgehog")
- Mega Man 3 Spark Man (for Orchestra)
- Mega Man 2 Orchestra
- Ruined Hometown (from Final Fantasy XIII-2) [for Vocals & Strings]
- The Wind Waker ( Dragon Roost Island from "Legend of Zelda")
- Ragnarok Online Medley
- K.K. Cruisin' (Animal Crossing) Rock Guitar & Violin Cover
- Super Mario Bros 3: Ending Theme for Orchestra
- Elder Scrolls: Morrowind Main Theme for Guitar & Violin
- Chrono Cross: Garden of the Gods for Vocals & Violin
- Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Song of Healing Acoustic
- Final Fantasy VI Dancing Mad Acapella
- Portal: Still Alive
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Victory Celebration
- Civilization 3 - Baba Yetu Acapella
- Super Smash Bros. Main Theme Orchestrated
- Super Mario Galaxy - Throwback Galaxy Acapella
- Street Fighter Guile Theme Orchestrated
- The Toad Song
- League of Legends - Quinn and Valor Theme Rock
- The Tonberry Song (Daft Punk Get Lucky Parody)
- 'Vamo' Alla Flamenco
- Final Fantasy IX: Voices & Strings
- Breaking Bad Acapella
- Doctor Who Theme Acapella
- Legend of Zelda Medley
- Contra Rock Medley
- Eyes on Me