Franz Xaver Gruber
Followers: 2894
Popularity: 63
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Ave Maria
- Berliner Weihnacht
- A Christmas Present from Polyphony
- Peaceful Christmas: Piano
- Instrumentale Weihnachten
- Silent Night - The Most Beautiful Christmas Songs
- Fritz Wunderlich - The Christmas Album
- Christmas from Norway
- A Choral Christmas
- Blessings
- In Harmony
- Yulefest! - Christmas Music & Carols from Trinity College Cambridge
- Weihnachten mit dem Thomanerchor
- A Christmas Caroll from Westminster Abbey
- John Rutter: Music for Christmas
- Silent Night
- Gruber / Arr. Lenaerts: Silent Night/Stille Nacht
- Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Arr. von Dominik Wagner für Kontrabassquartett)