Followers: 47278
Popularity: 31
Related artists:
- Gayle Adams
- Unlimited Touch
- Bobby Thurston
- High Fashion
- T.S. Monk
- The Salsoul Orchestra
- Carrie Lucas
- Crown Heights Affair
- Instant Funk
- Brass Construction
- Stargard
- Dayton
- Mystic Merlin
- The Player's Association
- Trussel
- Bionic Boogie
- Chanson
- Vernon Burch
- Mike Sutton
- Frank Hooker & Positive People
Is related artist of :
- Brass Construction
- Fatback Band
- B.T. Express
- Carrie Lucas
- Instant Funk
- Dayton
- Geraldine Hunt feat. Freddie James & Rosalind aka Cheri
- Crown Heights Affair