Ida Haendel
Followers: 3326
Popularity: 15
Related artists:
- Leonid Kogan
- Sergey Khachatryan
- Akiko Suwanai
- Luigi Alberto Bianchi
- Michael Rabin
- Ensemble Villa Musica
- William Primrose
- Lars Anders Tomter
- Gaspar Cassadó
- Sayaka Shoji
- Fumiaki Miura
- Rosanne Philippens
- 藤井一興
- Ingolf Turban
- Hans Sitt
- Maxim Fedotov
- Yu-Chien Tseng
- Masayuki Kino
- 千葉純子
- カトリーン・ショルツ
Is related artist of :
- Ivry Gitlis
- Akiko Suwanai
- Luigi Alberto Bianchi
- Fumiaki Miura
- Yu-Chien Tseng
- Masayuki Kino
- 千葉純子
- カトリーン・ショルツ
Milestones of a Violin Legend: Ida Haendel, Vol. 2
Milestones of a Violin Legend: Ida Haendel, Vol. 5
Milestones of a Violin Legend: Ida Haendel, Vol. 9
Pettersson: Violin Concerto No. 2 / 6 Songs From Barefoot Songs