John Holloway
Followers: 2836
Popularity: 28
Related artists:
- Raphael Wallfisch
- Anthony Pleeth
- Trevor Pinnock
- Bob van Asperen
- Jean Rondeau
- Richard Egarr
- Lars Ulrik Mortensen
- Christopher Hogwood
- Cologne Chamber Orchestra
- Kolner Kammerorchester
- Henry Purcell
- Arcangelo Corelli
- Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra
- Stefan Schilli
- Iona Brown
- Benedetto Marcello
- Georg Muffat
- Henry Eccles
- Ludovit Kanta
- Benoît Loiselle
Is related artist of :
- Michel Corrette
- Fabio Bonizzoni
- Jean Rondeau
- Simone Stella
- Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer
- Henry Eccles
Handel: Chamber Music Vol. IV - Trio Sonatas Op. 5
Vivaldi: Seven Concertos
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
Handel: the Chamber Music Vol.V
Handel: the Chamber Music Vol.II
Handel: the Chamber Music Vol.1
Handel: The Chamber Music Vol. VI - The Recorder Sonatas
Handel: Chamber Music Vol.III - The Trio Sonatas Op.2
Henry Purcell: Fantazias
Pavans And Fantasies From The Age Of Dowland
Dario Castello, Giovanni Battista Fontana: Sonate concertate in stil moderno
Abdelazer (Suites by Henry Purcell After the Tragedy by Aphra Behn, Arr. for Narrator and Orchestra)
Telemann: Quatuors Parisiens, Vols. 2-3
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Bach: The Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo
Veracini: Sonatas
Biber, Muffat: Der Türken Anmarsch
Biber: Unam Ceylum
A London Concert
Schmelzer: Unarum Fidium
Buxtehude: Chamber Music (Complete), Vol. 2 - 7 Trio Sonatas, Op. 2
Buxtehude: Chamber Music (Complete), Vol. 1 - 7 Sonatas, Op. 1
Pachelbel Canon and Other 17th Century Music for Three Violins (Original Version)
Biber: The Mystery Sonatas