Richard Tognetti
Followers: 3052
Popularity: 44
Related artists:
Is related artist of :
- Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
- Vivaldi: Flute Concertos
- ACO Sessions On Spotify: Brahms Symphony No. 4
- Grieg: holberg suite - string quartet in g minor - 2 elegiac melodies - erotikk
- Mendelssohn
- Dvorak: Violin Concerto - Legends, Op. 59
- Sculthorpe: Second Sonata, Irkanda I, Irkanda IV, Cello Dreaming, Lament & Djilile
- Sculthorpe: Port Essington / 3 Sonatas for Strings / Lament / Irkanda IV
- Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 Op. 58, Piano Sonatas Nos. 14 "Moonlight" & 31
- Suite from Run Rabbit Run: I. Year of the Ox (Live from City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2019)
- Suite from There Will Be Blood: V. Prospector's Quartet (Live from City Recital Hall, Sydney, 2019)
- Lyric for Strings
- ACO Sessions on Spotify: Haydn Symphony No.49 in F minor