Followers: 459183
Popularity: 50
Related artists:
- The Whispers
- Midnight Star
- Rose Royce
- The S.O.S Band
- Mtume
- The Bar-Kays
- Skyy
- G.Q.
- Dazz Band
- Brick
- One Way
- Slave
- L.T.D.
- Lakeside
- Con Funk Shun
- Bloodstone
- Brass Construction
- The New Birth
- The Dells
- Blue Magic
Is related artist of :
- Patrice Rushen
- Delegation
- Cheryl Lynn
- DeBarge
- Rick James
- Average White Band
- Ohio Players
- The Brothers Johnson
- The Whispers
- Rufus
- The Isley Brothers
- Rose Royce
- The Stylistics
- G.Q.
- Brick
- McFadden & Whitehead
- A Taste Of Honey
- Quincy Jones
- Carl Carlton
- The Gap Band
- Shalamar
- The O'Jays
- The S.O.S Band
Boogie Nights - The Hits Re-Recorded
Current (Expanded Edition)
Candles (Expanded Edition)
Hot Property (Expanded Edition)
Central Heating (Expanded Edition)
Too Hot to Handle (Expanded Edition)