Lorenzo Ghielmi
Followers: 1189
Popularity: 21
Related artists:
- Roberto Loreggian
- Mahan Esfahani
- Kenneth Gilbert
- Davitt Moroney
- Sophie Gent
- François Fernandez
- Louis Couperin
- Christoph Graupner
- Jean-François Dandrieu
- Michel Blavet
- Ensemble Baroque De Limoges
- Johann Jakob Froberger
- Johann Georg Pisendel
- Xenia Löffler
- Claude Balbastre
- Carlos Seixas
- Peter Kofler
- Geneviève Soly
- Jean-Baptiste Loeillet
- Justin Taylor
Is related artist of :
- Gustav Leonhardt
- Ton Koopman
- Virginia Black
- Francesco Galligioni
- Martin Rummel
- Mario Brunello
- Sophie Gent
- Jean-François Dandrieu
- Vittorio Ghielmi
- Justin Taylor
- Ensemble Baroque De Limoges
- Wolfgang Schöne
Bach: English Suites, BWV 806-811
Bach: 6 Partitas, BWV 825-830 (Clavierübung I)
Bach: Sonatas for Violin and Basso Continuo, BWV 1021-1024
Bach Toccatas / French Suites IV- VI
Handel a Second Set of Concertos for the Organ
Handel: Organ Concertos Op. 4
The Rest Is Silence (Music of Our Time)
Joseph Haydn: Concertos for organ and violin