Fabio Bonizzoni
Followers: 1062
Popularity: 29
Related artists:
- Robert Hill
- Jean Rondeau
- Luc Beauséjour
- Richard Egarr
- Lars Ulrik Mortensen
- Simone Stella
- John Holloway
- Elizabeth Wallfisch
- Cologne Chamber Orchestra
- Kolner Kammerorchester
- Karl Richter
- Barbara Schlick
- London Conchord Ensemble
- Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace Royer
- Henry Eccles
- Michael Behringer
- Marianne Beate Kielland
- Keith Lewis
- Virginia Black
- Hansheinz Schneeberger
Is related artist of :
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Sonatas for Violin and Cembalo Obbligato Vol. 2
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Sonatas for Violin and Cembalo Obbligato Vol. 1
Harpsichord Concertos, Vol. 2
Vivaldi: La Senna festeggiante
Vivaldi: Opera Arias
Handel: Italian Cantatas
Handel: Italian Cantatas, Vol. 7
Handel, G.F.: Italian Cantatas, Vol. 4 - Hwv 83 and 92
Handel, G.F.: Cor Fedele (Clori, Tirsi E Fileno)
Handel in Italy
Geminiani: Pièces de clavecin, H. 200-213
Merulo: Toccate, Ricercari, Canzoni d’intavolatura d’organo