Yoga Rainbow: 30 Colors for 30 Yoga Poses
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- Green: Lotus Pose
- White: Bound Angle Pose
- Beige: Mountain Pose
- Blue: Boat Pose
- Ebony: Half Moon Pose
- Lime: Fish Pose
- Navy: Warrior I Pose
- Purple: Upward Plank Pose
- Mahogany: Sphinx Pose
- Red: Monkey Pose
- Porcelain: Child’s Pose
- Yellow: Wild Thing
- Brown: Standing Split
- Black: Noose Pose
- Grey: Cobra Pose
- Azure: Dolphin Pose
- Violet: Bridge Pose
- Pink: Bharadvaja’s Twist
- Orange: Chair Pose
- Bone: Big Toe Pose
- Mint: Tree Pose
- Gold: Upward Salute
- Khaki: Wide-Legged Forward Bend
- Turquoise: Revolved Side Angle Pose
- Lavender: Peacock Pose
- Silver: Marichi’s Pose
- Aquamarine: Heron Pose
- Olive: Garland Pose
- Cobalt: Dolphin Plank Pose
- Salmon: Half Lord of the Fishes Pose