Children Songs for Ambiance, Meditation, Insomnia, and Restless Children
Popularity: 1
- Canon in D Major
- Amazing Grace
- Wheels on the Bus
- Brahm's Lullaby
- London Bridge
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Jesus Loves Me
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- My Bonnie
- The Farmer in the Dell
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Ring Around the Rosies
- If You're Happy and You Know it
- Hush Little Baby
- 3 Blind Mice
- This Little Light of Mine
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Do Your Ears Hang Low
- Clementine
- Old Macdonald
- Music Box
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Skip to My Lou
- John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
- Are You Sleeping
- Shoe Fly, Don't Bother Me
- Kookaburra
- Jack and Jill
- Do You Know the Muffin Man
- I'm a Little Tea Pot
- Brahms lullaby - Version 2
- My Bonnie - Version 2
- Do Your Ears Hang Low - Version 2
- Ole Sussana
- Hickory Dickory Dock - Version 2
- Peas Porridge Hot
- When Johnny Comes Marching Home
- This Ole Man
- The Farmer in the Dell - Version 2
- Clementine - Version 2
- Amazing Grace - Version 2
- Hush Little Baby - Version 2
- Three Blind Mice - Version 2
- If You're Happy and You Know It - Version 2
- Frere Jacques
- Canon in D Major - Version 2