# Instrumental Lullabies
Popularity: 0
- I'm a Little Teapot
- Hey Diddle Diddle
- Itsy Bitsy Spider - Instrumental
- The Wheels on the Bus
- Lullaby and Good Night - Instrumental
- Old King Cole - Instrumental
- Pat a Cake - Instrumental
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
- Rub a Dub Dub - Instrumental
- Yankee Doodle
- Rock a Bye Baby
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Lullaby for Baby Bay - Instrumental
- Incy Wincy Spider
- This Old Man - Instrumental
- Lazy Mary Will You Get Up - Instrumental
- Rock a Bye Baby - Instrumental
- Old Macdonald Had a Farm
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Brahms Lullaby - Instrumental
- Five Little Ducks
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hush Little Baby - Instrumental
- If You're Happy and You Know It
- Row Row Row Your Boat - Instrumental
- Lavender's Blue
- London Bridge is Falling Down
- Goosey Goosey Gander - Instrumental
- Frere Jacques
- Baa Baa Black Sheep