The English Anthem 4
Popularity: 3
- John Scott
- St. Paul's Cathedral Choir
- Orlando Gibbons
- William Harris
- Jonathan Harvey
- Francis Grier
- Herbert Howells
- Hubert Parry
- Thomas Attwood
- Charles Villiers Stanford
- William Mathias
- Francis Jackson
- Charles Wood
- Ernest Bullock
- Robin Orr
- Let the People Praise Thee, O God, Op. 87
- Jesu, Grant Me This, I Pray
- Alleluia, laudate pueri Dominum
- A Hymn for St Cecilia
- Bring Us, O Lord God
- They That Put Their Trust in the Lord
- 3 Motets, Op. 38: II. Caelos ascendit hodie
- Give Us the Wings of Faith
- I Love the Lord
- Teach Me, O Lord
- O Thou, the Central Orb
- Let Us Invoke Christ
- Hear My Words, Ye People