Popularity: 22
- Main Theme (From "Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild")
- Gourmet Race (From "Kirby's Dream Land")
- Veiled in Black (From "Final Fantasy XV")
- Jump Up, Super Star! (Instrumental) [From "Super Mario Odyssey"]
- Hard Man Theme (From "Mega Man 3")
- Road to Viridian City from Pallet Town (From "Pokémon: Red & Blue")
- Gato's Song (From "Chrono Trigger")
- Main Theme (From "Wonder Woman")
- Venice Rooftops (From "Assassin's Creed II")
- Lon Lon Ranch (From "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time")
- K.K. Bossa (From "Animal Crossing")
- Light of the Seven (From "Game of Thrones")
- Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (From "Dark Souls")
- Lavender Town (From "Pokémon: Red & Blue")
- These Grey Walls (From "Rakuen")
- Another Arni (From "Chrono Cross")
- Scars of Time (From "Chrono Cross")
- Spring Yard Zone (From "Sonic the Hedgehog")
- Puzzles (From "Professor Layton & the Curious Village")
- Muda Kingdom (From "Super Mario Land")
- Magnet Man Theme (From "Mega Man 3")
- Jump Up, Super Star! (From "Super Mario Odyssey")
- Song of Mana (From "Legend of Mana")
- The Magikarp Song
- Tetris Reggae (From "Tetris")
- Chun Li Theme (From "Street Fighter II")
- Snake Eater (From "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater")
- Throne Room (Acapella) [From "Star Wars: A New Hope"]
- Princess Leia's Theme (From "Star Wars: A New Hope")
- Battle! Trainer Red/Blue (From "Pokémon: Sun & Moon")
- Ganon Battle (From "Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild")
- Realm Overworld (From "Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks")