Christmas Tingles: ASMR Sounds of the Season
Popularity: 8
- Folding and Unfolding Gift Wrapping Paper
- Unrolling a Large Roll of Paper Gift Wrap
- Unrolling a Large Roll of Cellophane Gift Wrap
- Crinkly Cellophane Gift Wrap
- Soft Crinkly Tissue Wrap Paper
- Wrapping up Christmas Presents
- Peel-And-Stick Adhesive Ribbon Gift Bows
- Curling Thin Ribbons with Scissors
- Curling Wide Ribbons with Scissors
- Opening up a Paper Gift Bag
- Unwrapping and Tearing Open a Christmas Present
- Ripping and Tearing up Tissue Paper
- Crinkly Cellophane Gift Bag
- Striking Matches and Lighting Candles
- Pouring Wine into Glasses
- Pulling, Cracking and Opening a Small Christmas Cracker
- Pulling, Cracking and Opening a Large Christmas Cracker
- Unwrapping Small Crinkly Cellophane-Wrapped Candies
- Jingly Jingle Bells
- Santa Claus Eating Crunchy Cookies and Drinking Milk