Imagining Incense: The Choral Music of R. Murray Schafer, Vol. 3
Popularity: 1
- Magic Songs: 1. Chant to bring back the wolf
- Magic Songs: 2. Chant to make fences fall down
- Magic Songs: 3. Chant to make fireflies glow
- Magic Songs: 4. Chant for clear water
- Magic Songs: 5. Chant for the spirits of hunted animals
- Magic Songs: 6. Chant to keep bees warm in winter
- Magic Songs: 7. Chant to make bears dance
- Magic Songs: 8. Chant to make the stones sing
- Magic Songs: 9. Chant to make the magic work
- Three Hymns: 1. Holy is God, who is before the first beginning
- Three Hymns: 2. Holy is God, who gave us all a soul of light
- Three Hymns: 3. Be opened, O Earth
- Rain Chant
- Alleluia
- Beautiful Spanish Song
- Imagining Incense: 1. Manaka
- Imagining Incense: 2. Manaban
- Imagining Incense: 3. Kyara
- Imagining Incense: 4. Sumotara
- Imagining Incense: 5. Sasora
- Imagining Incense: 6. Rakoku
- Winter Solstice
- Three Songs from The Enchanted Forest: 1. Sweet Clover
- Three Songs from The Enchanted Forest: 2. Ariane's Lament
- Three Songs from The Enchanted Forest: 3. Lu-li-lo-la