The Complete New English Hymnal, Vol. 15
Popularity: 7
- Michael "All My Hope on God Is Founded"
- Easter: The Lord Is Risen from the Dead
- Narenza "The Lord Is Risen Indeed"
- Llangloffan "We Praise Thy Name, All-Holy Lord"
- Meyrick Park "With Solemn Faith We Offer Up"
- Nicaea "Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!"
- Ascencion: Christ Has Gone Up on High
- Gonfalon Royal "Eternal Monarch, King Most High"
- Diademata "Crown Him with Many Crowns"
- Lincoln "Lord, in Thy Name Thy Servants Plead"
- Psalms 47 "Let All the Nations Clap Their Hands"
- Old 104th "Disposer Supreme, and Judge of the Earth" (Arr. R. Vaughan Williams for Choir, Brass & Organ)
- Crimond "The Lord's My Shepherd" (Arr. D. Grant for Choir & Organ)
- Pentecost: Let Your Loving Spirit
- Praise the Lord, O My Soul!
- Vater Unser "Come, Quickly Come, Dread Judge of All"
- Epiphany
- Crüger "Hail to the Lord's Anointed!" (Arr. W.H. Monk for Choir & Organ)
- Nicht so traurig "Bread of Heaven"
- St. Catherine's Court "In Our Day of Thanksgiving"
- Diva servatrix "On This High Feast Day" (Arr. R. Vaughan Williams for Choir & Organ)
- Bristol "Hark, the Glad Sound"
- Bow Brickhill "We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died"
- Gerontius "Praise to the Holiest in the Height"
- Lord of All Saints
- Christmas: The Word Was Made Flesh
- Grafton "Word Supreme Before Creation"
- Song 20 "My Lord, My Life, My Love"
- St. Gertrude "Onward, Christian Soldiers" (Arr. for Choir, Brass & Organ)