Küstenwache (Original Soundtrack zur TV-Serie)
Popularity: 3
- Die Küstenwache
- Asmus in Love
- Jan's Theme
- Albatros I - Heroes
- Pia's Rescue
- Sad Flight
- Countdown - Auge um Auge
- Helicopter Landing
- The Mission - Auge um Auge
- Explosion - Albatros Heroes
- Albatros II - Guitar
- Dilan's Requiem
- Happy Start
- Investigation Theme
- Romance
- Albatros III - Alba Power
- Suite from "Die letzte Beichte"
- Albatros IV - Melancholic
- Sea Operation
- Happy End - Preis der Freiheit
- The Lift
- Evil Plans - U-32 Theme
- Showdown
- Albatros V - The Alba Crew
- Remembrances
- Adagio
- Fish Comedy
- Love Scene
- Mystic Discovery
- Albatros VI - Theme
- Voyage Theme
- Countdown - Auf See
- Sentimental Journey
- Albatros VII - Patriot Version
- Reunion
- Underwater World
- Diving Mission
- Redemption
- Albatros VIII - Finale
- Albatros IX - Remix
- Journey to the Past
- Emma's Theme
- Father's Grief
- Race Against Time
- Alex' Death and Farewell
- Albatros X - Cool Alba
- Gruber
- Wolfgang's Farewell / Sailing
- Hacker
- Sherlock Norge
- Alba XI - To the Rescue
- Happy End - Höllenqualen
- Sexy Hearing
- Fairy Tale Suite
- Smellgard
- Albatros XII - The Alba Returns
- Zora's Theme
- Showdown 2
- Albatros XIII - Alba Hop
- Adagio of Death
- Seance
- Nadja's Ultimatum
- Funny Feddersen
- Smellgard's Drama
- Preparations and SOS
- Baltic Waltz
- Albatros XIV - Alba Noon
- Albatros XV - Secrets
- Happy Alba End
- Russian Waltz
- Holger and Wolfgang
- We Are Heroes
- Die Küstenwache - Abspann