Mussorgsky: Enfantines & Mélodies diverses (Mono Version)
Popularity: 0
- The Nursery: No. 1, With Nurse
- The Nursery: No. 2, In the Corner
- The Nursery: No. 3, The Beetle
- The Nursery: No. 4, With the Doll
- The Nursery: No. 5, Going to Sleep
- The Nursery: No. 7, On the Hobbyhorse
- The Nursery: No. 6, The Cat Sailor
- The Vision
- Hopak
- A Garden Blooms by the Don
- Rustic Song. "Where Art Thou, Little Star?"
- Yarema's Song "On the Dnieper"
- The Ragamuffin
- Evening Song
- Sleep, Sleep, Peasant Son
- Gathering Mushrooms