Guillaume Connesson: Lost Horizon
Popularity: 4
- Les cités de Lovecraft: I. Céléphaïs
- Les cités de Lovecraft: II. Kadath
- Les cités de Lovecraft: III. La cité du soleil couchant
- A kind of Trane - Concerto for saxophone and orchestra: I. There is none other
- A kind of Trane - Concerto for saxophone and orchestra: II. Ballade
- A kind of Trane - Concerto for saxophone and orchestra: III. Coltrane on the dancefloor
- Les horizons perdus - Concerto for violin and orchestra: I. Premier voyage
- Les horizons perdus - Concerto for violin and orchestra: II. Shangri-La 1
- Les horizons perdus - Concerto for violin and orchestra: III. Deuxième voyage
- Les horizons perdus - Concerto for violin and orchestra: IV. Shangri-La 2
- Le tombeau des regrets