Boston Strangler (Original Score)
Popularity: 11
- Opening
- Boston
- Paper Clippings
- Loretta's Mom
- On My Own Time
- Loretta Interviews the Superintendent
- A Different Story
- Did It Look Decorative?
- Loretta's House
- Murder in the Bath
- Finding Sullivan
- Murder Scene
- Loretta Investigates
- New Year's Eve Call
- Unknown Calls
- Beverly's Murder
- Jean At the Morgue
- About Daniel Marsh
- Polygraph
- Loretta Types
- Intruder
- We Had Him
- It's DeSalvo
- He's Out There
- He's Out There (Alt)
- Have You Seen the Records
- We Got Beat
- Negotiating the Confession
- Negotiating the Confession (Alt)
- Sunlight Always Helps
- Loneliness
- Sixth Victim
- When Are You Going to Let This Go?
- You've Got 20 Minutes
- Interviewing Marsh
- Confession Tapes
- Prison Stabbing
- He Was in There With Them
- Coaching the Confession
- Closure
- Reveal
- Credits