Bulgarian Soul
Popularity: 0
- Traditional
- Vesselina Kasarova
- Sofia Soloists Chamber Orchestra
- Cosmic Voices from Bulgaria
- Vania Moneva
- Ermila Schweizer-Sekulinova
- Tzanko Dimitrov Delibozov
- Dilmano, Dilbero
- Kalimanku, Denku
- Day mi, Bozhe, krila lebedovi (Give Me, Oh God, the Wings of a Swan)
- Zablyalo mi e agantse (A Little Lamb Was Bleating)
- Polegnala e Tudora (Fair Tudora Is Dozing)
- Rofinka bolna lezhi (Rufinka Lies Ill)
- Melodiya
- Slantse ogreyalo (The Sun Is Shining)
- Se ma yad, mamo (I'm So Angry, Mother)
- Malkata tsvetarka (The Flowergirl)
- Vokaliza
- Mama Rada dumashe (Mama Was Telling Rada)
- Proshetna se Momchilitsa (Momchil's Young Wife)
- Ya kazhi mi, oblache le byalo (Tell Me, Little White Cloud)