Behold The Cross (Traditional And Contemporary Liturgical Music For Holy Week)
Popularity: 27
- Dakilang Pag-Ibig
- The Glory Of These Forty Days Again We Keep This Solemn Fast (Medley) - Instrumental
- All Glory, Laud And Honor
- Hosanna! Our King Is Here!
- Ubi Caritas
- Paghugas Ng Paa
- I Will Wash Your Feet
- Iesu, Panis Vitae
- Kaibigan, Kapanalig
- Pange Lingua Gloriosi
- Tantum Ergo
- Stations of the Cross
- No Greater Love Than Yours
- Were You There
- Were You There - Instrumental
- We Carry The Saving Cross (Way of the Cross) [For the 1995 World Youth Day and Apostolic Visit of St Pope John Paul II to the Philippines]
- The Seven Last Words
- Agios O Theos (Divine Reproaches)
- O Sacred Head, Surrounded (Salve Caput Cruentatum)
- Mahal Na Puso Ni Hesus
- At The Cross Her Station Keeping (Stabat Mater Dolorosa)
- Dakilang Pag-Ibig (Pieta)
- Dalikang Pag-Ibig (Reprise)