Scarlett - Original Soundtrack, Kino Klassik
Popularity: 2
- Scarlett's Waltz
- Melanie's Funeral
- Rhett and Mammy, Who's Dying
- Ashley, You've Got To Go On
- The Masquerade Ball
- The City Of Charleston
- Sally Arrives, Driving Her Carriage
- Rhett's Horse Race
- Rhett and Scarlett Go Sailing
- Scarlett's Love Theme
- The Savannah Scherzo
- Rhett and Anne Meet
- Scarlett Arrives In Ireland
- That House, Torch It
- This Was Tara
- Rhett Goes To Anne At Night
- Inside Ballyhara
- Scarlett, You're The O'Hara
- The Birth of Kat
- The Fox Hunt
- Scarlett Presented At Court
- The Gift Of Suellen
- Rhett's Dream Of Scarlett
- Colum's Death
- Scarlett's Dream Of Rhett
- Morland Sees Mary Boyle
- Rhett Meets Kat
- The Celebration Dance
- Rhett Reads To Kat
- Medley of Heaven Help Me, I Love You, Scarlett arrives in Ireland, Scarlett's Waltz