Younghi Pagh-Paan: Listening With the Heart
Popularity: 1
- Mein Herz II (2020) for soprano and Guitar
- Dreisam-Nore (1975) for flute Solo
- MA-AM (Mein Herz) [1990] for female voice with Claves
- Hang-Sang II (1994) for alto flute and Guitar
- Flammenzeichen (1983) for female voice with small percussion Instruments
- Rast in einem alten Kloster (1994/2022) for mezzo soprano and Guitar
- Noch … III (1996/2022) for mezzo soprano and Guitar
- Seerosen - Wurzelwerke (2018) for Guitar
- Wegen der Leere (2022) for soprano, flute and Guitar