The Cradle Will Rock (Live)
Popularity: 0
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- Order in the Courtroom! (Live)
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- Ah, There You Are, You Two! / Art for Art's Sake (Live)
- Nickel Under the Foot (Live)
- Which of You Guys Wanted to See the Man Who Made the Speech? (Live)
- Leaflets (Live)
- The Cradle Will Rock / Do You Think We Don't Know What That Fight Tonight’s About? (Live)
- Facultyroom (Live)
- It’s Not Going to Hurt? (Live)
- Hello, Doctor (Live)
- Joe Worker (Live)
- Nightcourt (Live)
- Listen! The Boilermakers Are with Us! / The Cradle Will Rock (Reprise) [Live]
- Marc Blitzstein Discusses "The Cradle Will Rock"