Anime Monster Strike LUCIFER Fallen Angel of Rebellion Original Soundtrack
Popularity: 4
- Take a Stroll
- Room of Discipline
- Room of Discipline - Alt ver.
- Run Through
- To the Purgatory
- Clashing Ideals
- No Turning Back
- Orb Repository
- Prove innocence
- A Splintering Friendship
- Angel's Rest
- Have faith and wait
- The Heavens Cathedral
- Fate in the Balance
- An Angel slayer blade
- King Grouch
- Who's this?
- Groucher, ride on!
- Heavenly Discord
- Seeking Lucifer
- Archangel Leader Uriel
- VS Lucifer
- Through the Storm
- Lucifer -Fallen Angel of Rebellion-
- Real fight with you
- Almighty is always on our side
- Prelude to Darkness
- Prelude to Darkness - Music Box ver.
- Monster Strike Theme - Music Box ver.
- Lord Keter
- Sephirot
- Monster Strike Theme - Lucifer Ending ver.
- Twin Archangels
- Four Archangels Leader
- The angel of music, Sandalphon
- The angel of contracts, Metatron
- The humble Joel
- Give us back our wings!
- Fallen Angel Xaphan
- King of the Underworld, Beelzebub
- The ancient weapon Surgat
- Holy Magistrate Binah
- Hallowed Decemvir Cholmah
- Walkure for Lucifer
- Walkure for Xaphan
- The Lighting of Destruction
- The voice of the Almighty
- For the King!
- The dark deity Surgat
- That Boy