Popularity: 4
- 12.29 - Beginning -
- Hit a man
- Breath test
- First contact
- Aihara hall
- Hide the body
- The trunk
- Nightmare
- 12.30 - Yuji -
- Destruction of evidence
- Do you have any troubles?
- Inspiration
- The duct
- Mortuary
- 12.31 - The man -
- I know you
- Monitoring camera
- Reverse
- 12.28 - Yazaki -
- You will be my son
- Wedding ceremony
- Handprint
- The hiding place
- Chasing the body
- Miserable man
- What do you mean?
- Carry a coffin
- Stop!!
- Like a fictional story
- Card key
- Cut his finger
- Time bomb
- Apology
- Big money
- TOKAGE Battle
- New Year
- The morning glow
- Can we start over?
- Bridge
- End Credit