Popularity: 31
- Storm of Blood
- Prelude - Long March Home
- Impact
- Beyond the Wall
- Looping in the Deepest Fringes
- Afterglow
- Their Deadly Mission
- On High
- With Giants Watching
- The Garlean Territorial Anthem for Gyr Abania and Surrounding States - The Measure of Our Reach
- Procedamus in Pace
- Dawnbound
- Triumph
- Crimson Sunrise
- Liquid Flame
- Wing and a Prayer
- Cradle
- The Open Box
- Westward Tide
- Far East of Eorzea
- Shell-shocked
- Revelation
- Riot
- At Both Ends
- Harmony
- A Father's Pride
- Drowning in the Horizon
- Cyan's Theme
- He Rises Above
- Most Unworthy
- Heroes of Stormblood
- A Mother's Pride
- Gates of the Moon
- Parting Ways
- Crimson Sunset
- Deception
- Hope Forgotten
- Beauty's Wicked Wiles
- The Stone Remembers
- Alienus
- Old Wounds
- Songs of Salt and Suffering
- Liberty or Death
- The Worm's Tail
- The Measure of His Reach
- Revolutions
- Deltascape
- Omega^2
- Decisions
- Final, Not Final
- Wizardly
- Starlit Gateway
- Beauty's Wicked Wiles - Oasis Mix
- Far From Home
- Indomitable
- Rival Wings
- Birds of Prey
- Forever in Flames
- Beyond Redemption
- Character Creation
- Save / Load Screen
- Protagonist's Theme
- Background Story
- Trisection
- Precipitous Combat
- The Enemy Approaches
- Ultima's Transformation
- Victory
- Down Where Daemons Dwell
- Iroha
- Answer on High
- Todoroki
- Amatsu Kaze
- Keepers of the Lock
- Unbreakable (Duality)
- The Phantom Train to Sigmascape
- A Battle Decisively
- Dancing Mad - Movement I
- Dancing Mad - Movement II
- Dancing Mad - Movement III
- Dancing Mad - Movement IV
- Wicked Winds Whisper
- Magicked Skulls
- No Quarter
- Siren Song
- Pa-Paya Demastered
- Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers
- Wasshoi, Wasshoi!
- Dangertek
- Earth, Wind, and Water
- Fallen Angel (From Astral to Umbral)
- Primal Judgment (From Astral to Umbral)
- Under the Weight (From Astral to Umbral)
- Ultima - Orchestral Version
- World Map
- A Chapel
- Ascent
- Boss Battle
- The Mystery of Giruvegan
- Apoplexy
- Flash of Steel
- Victory Fanfare - FFXII Version
- Nightbloom
- Lunacy
- Wayward Daughter