14 Binaural Sounds Compilation - White Noise for Babies
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- Healing Earth Frequencies
- Pink Noise and Calming Delta Waves for Ambient Sleep
- Hypnopompic States with Theta Waves (Loopable)
- Brownian Delta 250-250.1hz
- Aircraft Propeller
- Brownian Delta 350-350.1hz Tremelo
- Theta Waves Deep Sleep
- Brownian Noise Theta 200-206hz
- Brownian Delta 100-100.1hz
- Theta Waves for Peaceful Sleeping Patterns (Loopable)
- Mind Massaging Hair Dryer Tones (Loopable)
- White Noise Delta 300-300.1hz
- Sleep Well with White Noise Sounds
- Beta Binaural Beat