Rimsky-Korsakov: The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia (Live)
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- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniа: Introduction "Praise to Wilderness"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act I: Fevronia "Ah, ty les, moy les, pustynya prekrasnaya"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act I: Prince Vsevolod "Chto za pritcha, Gospodi?"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act I: Prince Vsevolod "Chya ty devitsa, otkol vzyalasya?"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act I: Fevronia "Den i noch u nas sluzhba voskresnaya"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act I: Fevronia "Mily, kak bez radosti prozhit"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act I: Prince Vsevolod "Ispolat, usta sakharnye"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act I: Chorus "Tolko vyshli streltsy v pole chistoe"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act II: Bear Handler "Pokazhi, Mikhaylushko"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act II: Gusli Player "Iz-za ozera Yara glubokogo"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act II: Chorus "Gospodi, spasi nas i pomiluy!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act II: Grishka Kuterma "Nam-to chto? My ved lyudi gulyashchie"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act II: Chorus "Ey, rebyata! Bubentsy zvenyat"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act II: Chorus "Kak po mostikam po kalinovym"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act II: Tatars "Gayda! Gay!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 1: Poyarok "Zdravy budte, lyudi kitezhane"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 1: Prince Yuri "O, slava, bogatstvo suetnoe!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 1: Chorus "Chudnaya nebesnaya Tsaritsa"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 1: Prince Yuri "Byti Kitezhu razgrablenu"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 1: Prince Vsevolod "Podnyalasya s polunochi"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 1: Chorus "Chu! Kolokola vse sami zagudeli"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniа, Act III: Transition to the Scene 2 "The Battle of Kerzhenets"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 2: Grishka Kuterma "Vot dubrava ta"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 2: Burunday "Oy zhe, vy murzy tatarskie!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 2: Fevronia "Ah, ty mily zhenih moy, nadezha!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 2: Grishka Kuterma "Slysh ty, devitsa"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act III Scene 2: Fevronia "Stupay Gospoden rab!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act IV Scene 1: Fevronia "Oy, nelzya idti mne, Grishenka"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act IV Scene 1: Fevronia "Ty zemlya, nasha mati miloserdnaya!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act IV Scene 1: Fevronia "Grishenka!.. Ne slyshit…"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act IV Scene 1: Fevronia "Ty li, yasny svet ochey moikh?"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act IV Scene 1: Sirin "Se zhenikh prishel"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniа, Act IV Scene 1: Walking in the Invisible City
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia, Act IV Scene 2: Alkonost "Dveri rayskie"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniа, Act IV Scene 2: Сhorus "Kak po tsvetikam po lazorevym"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniа, Act IV Scene 2: Fevronia "Otchego u vas zdes svet velik"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniа, Act IV Scene 2: Prince Vsevolod "Ay zhe ty nevesta vernaya!"
- The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniа, Act IV Scene 2: Fevronia "Grishenka, hot slab ty razumom"