Rimsky-Korsakov: Kashchey the Immortal
Popularity: 2
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- Mariinsky Chorus
- Valery Gergiev
- Mariinsky Orchestra
- Larissa Diadkova
- Marina Shaguch
- Konstantin Pluzhnikov
- Kashchei the Immortal: Dni byez prosveta
- Kashchei the Immortal: Ya vizhu dyevu krasoti chudyesnoi
- Kashchei the Immortal: Tyomni yeyo ochki
- Kashchei the Immortal: Vy, gusli samogudi
- Kashchei the Immortal: Nastala noch' zatikhnul vyeterok
- Kashchei the Immortal: Glukhaya noch', dorogi dalshe nyet
- Kashchei the Immortal: Pit'yo prokhladnaya vernyot vsyo sili
- Kashchei the Immortal: Zasnul...tvoi chas nastal
- Kashchei the Immortal: Bayu, bai, Kashchyei syedoi!
- Kashchei the Immortal: Myeryeshchitsa?
- Kashchei the Immortal: Prosti, lyubimi korolyevich moi!
- Kashchei the Immortal: Konyets zlomu tsartsvu!