The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut, Vol. 3 (Original Game Soundtrack)
Popularity: 11
- Seathan
- Cadal Cha Dèan Mi
- Across the Seven Realms (Gut String Interlude)
- Across the Seven Realms
- Gaelic Psalms: Stornoway 133
- Thèid Sinn Null Gu Taobh Loch Eireachd
- Kathleen Mourns
- Thèid Mise 's Tusa A-Màireach
- 'S Fheudar Dhomh Gu Cinnteach Bhith Sguir Dhen Dram
- Orsa Chaileach
- Thig Am Bata
- Iain Ghlinn Cuaich - Extended Version