Personal Guided Yoga Relaxation: Immerse Yourself in Celestial Female Voice + Meditation Yoga Background Music
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- Introduction
- Sensational Yoga Practice
- Awkward Chair Pose
- Banana Pose
- Indian Tradition & Rituals
- Easy Pose
- Child's Pose
- Forearm Plank Pose
- Downward-Facing Dog
- Oriental Healing Karma
- Kneeling with Hands on Hips
- Locust Pose
- Mountain Pose
- Navasana
- Contemplation & Enlightenment
- Plank Pose
- Rabbit Pose
- Sphinx Pose
- Tree Pose
- Deep Wellness of Body Mind
- Warrior Pose
- Garland Pose
- Happy Baby Pose
- Intense Side Stretch Pose
- Therapeutic Session
- One-Legged Pigeon Pose
- Upward Salute Pose
- Jaguar Pose
- True Serenity and Deep Focus
- Zen Moment - Savasana