Oliginal Sound Track The Legend of Xanadu Vol.1
Popularity: 1
- Start Screen
- Open Sesami
- Peaceful Living
- The Spiral Stair of Hope
- Prologue
- The Beginning of the Legend
- Ikthia - The Summer of Youths
- Welcome
- Shop
- The Sleeping Cave
- Dawn of Makria
- The Awakening of the Sealed Ones
- One Who Disturbs the Slumber
- Vomit
- Song of Victory
- Theo & Melleina
- The Church
- Until We Can Meet
- Ship
- The Cave of Despair
- The Power of Friendship
- Meidouble
- Forever
- The Road to Victory
- Xarkas
- Makria Castle
- Trap
- Defeat Your Old Nemesis
- Jemeux Mouvais
- Kakos
- Makria in Celebration
- The Legend of the Wind
- The Evil Dragon Reborn
- A Deep Enigma
- Black Light
- Yeti
- The Ice Cave
- Arctic Wind
- Glacies
- New Companions
- Prisme