Freedman, H.: Canadian Composers Portraits
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- Freedman documentary: In the summer of 1955…
- Freedman documentary: And then one day I heard a program called Let's Dance.
- Freedman documentary: There's only one thing that you can learn.
- Freedman documentary: If you listen to the First Symphony, the echo of Bela Bartok is there.
- Freedman documentary: He needs his own space, and he needs to have absolute quite.
- Freedman documentary: Most of the ballets I did were with Brian Macdonald.
- Freedman documentary: Up to that point there wasn't very much chance of earning your living…
- Freedman documentary: There's a certain sparseness, or angularity that I would recognize.
- Freedman documentary: You know, it's a very strong habit that he ha.
- Tableau
- Tangents, "Symphonic Variations"
- Touching
- Town, "A Musical Impression of Harold Town, the Man and his Art"