劇場版 ソードアート・オンライン -プログレッシブ- 冥き夕闇のスケルツォ Original Soundtrack
Popularity: 32
- the battle begins
- to the next stage
- celebrating the victory
- in a coffee shop
- there's something shining
- a bonus to relic finding
- relic hunting
- Mournful Wraith
- Sly Shrewman
- I have to get it back!
- I can't give up now
- someone's coming
- what are the two talking about?
- that rapier is mine!
- he is clad in black
- now I got it back
- it was all right now
- a little sword fight
- on the hill
- preparing for a party
- outwitting
- guild flag
- a small bit of tenderness
- if we were together, we could...
- now I'm going my own way
- I can't go with you
- duel with me!
- she was my true friend
- we just have to get the flag
- win, and advance
- in front of the boss room
- Fuscus the Vacant Colossus
- together we can defeat it!
- we can be friends again
- this is the guild flag
- who I should cry for
- a toast and a raid
- I have a special pendant
- I will support you