FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 Original Soundtrack
Popularity: 48
- Warrior Goddess
- Etro's Champion
- Eternal War
- Divine Conflict
- An Arrow Through Time
- Paradox
- Giant's Fist
- A World Without Cocoon
- Full Speed Ahead
- Noel's Theme
- New Bodhum
- New Bodhum - Aggressive Mix
- Paradigm Shift
- Glory's Fanfare
- Groovy Chocobo
- FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 - The Future -
- Historia Crux
- Worlds Collide
- Unseen Intruder
- Unseen Intruder - Aggressive Mix
- The Last Hunter
- Blessed Fanfare
- The Story So Far...
- Missing Link
- Memories for the Future
- Eclipse
- Eclipse - Aggressive Mix
- Hope's Theme - Tomorrow's Dream -
- Song of the Farseers
- Village and Void
- Village and Void - Aggressive Mix
- Temporal Rift
- Oracle Drive
- Caius's Theme
- Eyes of Etro
- Parallel Worlds
- Parallel Worlds - Aggressive Mix
- The Void Beyond
- Oathbrand
- Limit Break!
- Starting Over
- Starting Over - Aggressive Mix
- Mischievous Mog's Marvelous Plan with Flan
- Plains of Eternity
- Plains of Eternity - Aggressive Mix
- Serendipity
- Chocobo Rodeo
- All or Nothing
- Threat Level Omega
- Chaotic Guardian
- Yeul's Theme
- Feral Link
- Augusta Tower
- Augusta Tower - Aggressive Mix
- Academia
- Academia Theme
- A Fading Miracle
- Crazy Chocobo
- Shadow of Valhalla
- Countless Partings
- Hollow Seclusion - Game Over -
- Serah's Theme - Memories -
- Noel's Theme - Final Journey -
- Lightning's Theme - Unprotected Future -
- Etro's Gate
- Tears of the Goddess
- Labyrinth of Chaos
- Time's Master
- Heart of Chaos
- Promise to the Future
- Unseen Abyss
- Endless Paradox
- World of Hope
- Metashield Deployed
- The Goddess is Dead
- Closing Credits
- Perpetual Battlefield