Unheard Bird: The Unissued Takes
Popularity: 46
- Okiedoke - Incomplete 1
- Okiedoke - Alternate Take 1
- Okiedoke - Incomplete 2
- Okiedoke - Alternate Take 2
- Okiedoke
- Visa - Incomplete
- Visa - Alternate Take
- Visa - False Start
- Visa
- Tune X - Incompletes & False Start
- Tune X - Alternate Take
- Tune X - Incompletes
- Diverse - Tune X - Alternate
- Segment
- Tune Y - False Starts
- Passport - Tune Y - Rare
- Tune Z - False Start Take 1
- Tune Z - Alternate Take 2
- Tune Z - False Starts Takes 3 & 4
- Tune Z - Alternate Take 5
- Tune Z - False Starts Takes 6 & 7
- Tune Z - Alternate Take 9
- Passport - Tune Z - Common
- If I Should Lose You - False Starts
- If I Should Lose You
- Star Eyes - Incomplete & False Start
- Star Eyes - Incomplete
- Star Eyes
- Blues (Fast) - False Starts 372-1/2/3
- Blues (Fast) - Alternate Take 372-4
- Blues (Fast) - False Start 372-5
- Blues (Fast) - Alternate Take 372-6
- Blues (Fast) - Incomplete Take 372-7
- Blues (Fast) - Alternate Take 372-8
- Blues (Fast) - Abandoned Take, Studio Chatter Take 372-11
- Blues (Fast)
- Bloomdido - False Starts
- Bloomdido - Master Take
- An Oscar For Treadwell - Incomplete 411-1
- An Oscar For Treadwell - Incomplete 411-2
- An Oscar For Treadwell
- An Oscar For Treadwell - Take 3 / Alternate Take
- Mohawk - Incomplete & False Start
- Mohawk - Take 3 / Alternate Take
- Mohawk - False Starts
- Mohawk - Master Take
- My Little Suede Shoes - Alternate Take w/False Start
- My Little Suede Shoes - Alternate Take 540-3
- My Little Suede Shoes - Alternate Take 540-4
- My Little Suede Shoes - Single Version
- Tico Tico - Alternate Take w/False Start
- Tico Tico - False Starts 542-3/4/5
- Tico Tico - Alternate Take 542-6
- Tico Tico - False Starts 542-7/8
- Tico Tico
- Fiesta - Alternate Take w/False Start
- Fiesta
- Mama Inez - Alternate Take
- Mama Inez
- Night And Day - Alternate Take 756-3
- Night And Day - Alternate Take 756-4
- Night And Day
- Almost Like Being In Love - Alternate Take
- Almost Like Being In Love - False Start & Incomplete
- Almost Like Being In Love
- What Is This Thing Called Love? - Incomplete 759-1
- What Is This Thing Called Love? - Alternate Take 759-2
- What Is This Thing Called Love? - Incomplete 759-3
- What Is This Thing Called Love?